
I am a professional working artist with a studio in my family home near Asserbo in North Zealand. This is where my art is created, and I work in my studio almost every day. I have a degree in textile design from the Danish Design school in CPH and has worked in a creative field all my working life, either as a freelance designer or an art teacher.

I paint because it is so challenging that it keeps me interested and hooked. I get frustrated, angry and want to give up when things do not work out, but I am NEVER bored. Plant life and nature and climate issues is my source of inspiration. I am exploring the beauty that surrounds me, but also the enormous climate impact that we humans inflict on the planet. My artistic practice softens the climate anxiety when I can find a visual output for it.

My abstract work is on both canvas and paper and always in series to be able to explore a theme from multiple angels. At the moment I am working on impressions from my home surroundings near Arresø. The lake is a good example of the energy and contrast that I pursue visually in my work, as it is a both beautiful, and at the same time very polluted lake.

I am humbled when my work finds a new home. It gives me energy and motivates me to send artwork out into the world, when discoverering that others appreciates the many thoughts that lies behind each piece. You can follow my artistic process on Instagram & Facebook and get information on my exhibits and art courses.



Exhibiting in MT Højgaards art association May 1-31

Exhibiting in The Danish Cancer associations Art club February 1-28


Solo exhibition in Stevns Fyrcenter Nov. 9 – Dec.15

Exhibiting in Deloittes Art association Feb. 1 – Mar. 1


Exhibition in the Art association at Dansac Fredensborg

Exhibition in the Art association Kunstforeningen Gentofte rådhus

Exhibtion at the Art association Ledernes Kunstforening in CPH


Became a member of KKS. Female Artist Society. ( English | kks (kks-kunst.dk)

“Bugten” censored art exhibition at gallery Portalen in Hundige.

The Art association Ankestyrelsen Cph.

“HCU” Hvidovre censored art exhibition.


The Art association Fibervisions Varde.

Kunst i Pinsen in my studio.

Art Nordic artfair CPH.